Innovative, interactive tower and round rides

Ensure a unique ride experience and tie it with the experience of your park. Let your guest be the driver with interactive rides and allow them to live the thrill they are looking for.

Tower Rides

Higher, faster: More thrill for an exceptional experience. Tower Rides can be easily adapted to any theme of your park. Our range includes:

  • Drop Tower
  • Multi drop tower
  • Leaning Tower
  • Gyro Dynamic Leaning Tower
  • Observation
Dryrides_roundride_neu (statt karrusell)

Rounded Rides

The classical ride – is also our most innovative ride. “Time Machine interactive” (patent pending) is a complete new interpretation and a precious world novelty in your park.

  • Time Machine interactive
  • Disco Jump
  • Suspended Disco Jump
  • Eagle Force
  • Helicopter Ride

Thrill & Track Rides

How to make the entire family smile in your park? Thrill rides give you the opportunity to offer an experience to youngsters who want the higher, deeper, faster….

  • Track Rides: Air Loop Coaster Interactive, Cliff Jumper
  • Thrill Rides: Sturmforce 10

Do you want to know more about our dry rides? Contact us, we are more than happy, to send you our detailed brochure.